A dead branch of implementing the visualisation

We need more object-oriented approach to make this manageable. Keeping
this for reference.
LEdoian 2 years ago
parent c500a97fa6
commit b564a01e82

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
from birdvisu.maps import Topology, TopologyDifference
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
class NodeType(Enum):
ROUTER = auto()
NETWORK = auto()
class NodeStatus(Enum):
NORMAL = auto()
MISSING = auto()
EXTRA = auto()
class VisualisationNode:
position: tuple[float, float]
type: NodeType
status: NodeStatus
details: tuple[str, list]
def draw_on_scene(self, scene):
# FIXME: Allow different styles
# TODO: not everything is a QRectF…
x, y = self.position
fill = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(
# Poor man's switch
# Py 3.10 might be too new and this is probably more compact still.
NodeStatus.NORMAL: 'black',
NodeStatus.MISSING: 'red',
NodeStatus.EXTRA: 'green',
NodeStatus.DISCREPANCY: 'blue',
w, h = {
NodeType.ROUTER: (40, 40),
NodeType.NETWORK: (10, 10),
return scene.addRect(
QtCore.QRectF(x, y, w, h),
brush = fill,
def nodes_from_topodiff(topodiff, visu_style='default') -> list[VisualisationNode]:
result = []
def get_node(dir_tuple, type):
n, nd = dir_tuple
visu_details = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == ('visualisation '+visu_style), nd))
if len(visu_details) > 1:
visu_details = visu_details[0][1]
det_dict = {}
for det in visu_details:
k, v = det.split(' ', maxxplit=1)
det_dict[k] = v
pos = det_dict['position']
x, y = map(float, pos.strip('[]').split())
# Probably an extra node
# TODO: proper automatic placement
import random
x = random.randint(0, 2000) # FIXME: dimensions?
y = random.randint(0, 2000)
return VisualisationNode(
position = (x, y),
type = type,
status = NodeStatus.NORMAL, # Will change in a while
details = dir_tuple,
for r in topodiff.reference.routers:
node = get_node(r, type=NodeType.ROUTER)
if r[0] in topodiff.routers_missing:
node.status = NodeStatus.MISSING
for n in topodiff.reference.networks:
node = get_node(n, type=NodeType.NETWORK)
if n[0] in topodiff.networks_missing:
node.status = NodeStatus.MISSING
for r in topodiff.actual.routers:
if r[0] in topodiff.routers_extra:
node = get_node(r, type=NodeType.ROUTER)
node.status = NodeStatus.EXTRA
for n in topodiff.actual.networks:
if n[0] in topodiff.networks_extra:
node = get_node(n, type=NodeType.NETWORK)
node.status = NodeStatus.EXTRA
return result
class Visualisation(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, topodiff=None):
# guard:
self.scene = None
self.view = None
self.topodiff = None
self.items_nodes = None
self.items_edges = None
if topodiff is not None:
def set_topology_difference(self, topodiff):
self.topodiff = topodiff
def draw_scene(self):
self.scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self)
self.view = QtWidgets.QGraphicsView(self.scene)
if self.topodiff is not None:
nodes = nodes_from_topodiff(self.topodiff)
# TODO: filtering (dependent on UI)
if self.items_nodes is None:
self.items_nodes = {} # dict: ident -> QGraphicsItem
for n in nodes:
assert n.details[0] not in self.items_nodes, f'{n.details} already in dictionary'
self.items_nodes[n.details[0]] = n.draw_on_scene(self.scene)