Improve annotation core and add basic analysis annotators.

LEdoian 2 years ago
parent 7cfa7ea2bf
commit 51fdef55bd

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ approach."""
from ..topo_v3 import TopologyV3, VertexID, Edge
from collections import defaultdict
from import Hashable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any
@ -65,7 +65,15 @@ class AnnotatedTopology:
del self.annotations[ann_id]
annotator = ann_id.annotator(ann_id.param)
annotation = annotator.annotate(self)
if annotation.annotated_topology is not None and annotation.annotated_topology != self:
raise ValueError('Annotator claims to annotate different topology!')
annotation.topology = self
if annotation.annotator_id is not None and annotation.annotator_id != ann_id:
raise ValueError('Annotator fakes its ID!')
annotation.annotator_id = ann_id
for v in annotation.for_vertex:
for e in annotation.for_edge:
@ -78,18 +86,24 @@ class AnnotatedTopology:
class AnnotatorID:
# If you try creating the Annotator from a factory, please know what are
# the implications for the AnnotatorIDs. You might want to save the ID for
# yourself.
annotator: type['Annotator']
param: None | Hashable = None
class Annotation:
annotator_id: AnnotatorID
annotated_topology: AnnotatedTopology
# Use of Any here means "something reasonable and stringifiable". We do not
# know whether this can be specified reasonably.
for_vertex: dict[VertexID, Any]
for_edge: dict[Edge, Any]
for_topology: Any | None
for_vertex: dict[VertexID, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
for_edge: dict[Edge, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
for_topology: Any | None = None
# Annotators may return annotation without the two handles, but they are
# filled after they end by AnnotatedTopology.run_annotator.
annotated_topology: AnnotatedTopology | None = None
annotator_id: AnnotatorID | None = None
class Annotator(ABC):
"""Annotator itself.

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from . import Annotator, Annotation
from ..topo_v3 import MetricType
import heapq
from enum import Enum
from functools import total_ordering
class TopologyDifference(Annotator):
"""Finds differences between ancestors.
Currently, we only support the "reference vs. current" comparison, since
that is the most useful case and it is clear which vertices are new and
which old."""
class Status(Enum):
Missing = 'missing'
New = 'new'
Discrepant = 'discrepant'
def __init__(self, _param):
self.old_label = 'reference'
self.new_label = 'current'
def annotate(self, atopo):
result = Annotation()
old = atopo.topology.ancestors[self.old_label]
new = atopo.topology.ancestors[self.new_label]
# Vertices:
oldv = set(old.vertices.keys())
newv = set(new.vertices.keys())
# TODO: Maybe match vertices?
only_old = oldv - newv
only_new = newv - oldv
common = oldv & newv
discrepant = set()
for vtxid in common:
o = old.vertices[vtxid]
n = new.vertices[vtxid]
# Only field that can differ is type, assuming consistent topology
if o.type != n.type:
for v in only_old: result.for_vertex[v] = self.Status.Missing
for v in only_new: result.for_vertex[v] = self.Status.New
for v in discrepant: result.for_vertex[v] = self.Status.Discrepant
# Edges:
olde = old.edges
newe = new.edges
only_old = olde - newe
only_new = newe - olde
common = olde & newe
discrepant = set()
for edge in common:
o = old.edges[edge]
n = new.edges[edge]
if o != n: discrepant.add(edge)
for e in only_old: result.for_edge[e] = self.Status.Missing
for e in only_new: result.for_edge[e] = self.Status.New
for e in discrepant: result.for_edge[e] = self.Status.Discrepant
return result
class ShortestPathTree(Annotator):
"""Annotates the shortest path tree edges with True.
Takes a tuple of the starting vertex and topology ancestor identifier as
the parameter (None for the whole topology).
Since we have computed the distances of individual vertices, we annotate
the vertices too. The annotations are of form (metric_type, distance)
If the start vertex is not found, annotates the whole topology with None."""
def __init__(self, param):
vertex, ancestor = param
self.start_vtxid = vertex
self.ancestor = ancestor
def annotate(self, atopo):
result = Annotation()
topo = atopo.topology.ancestors[self.ancestor]
if self.start_vtxid not in topo.vertices:
result.for_topology = None
return result
# We need a simple wrapper around the edges, so they are comparable
class CE:
def __init__(self, distance, edge): = edge.metric_type
self.dist = distance
self.e = edge
def __lt__(self, other):
return (, self.dist) < (, other.dist)
def __ew__(self, other):
return (, self.dist) == (, other.dist)
heap = [CE(e.cost, e) for e in topo.vertices[self.start_vtxid].outgoing_edges]
# We run a bit modified Dijkstra algorithm, since we want to find a DAG
# of shortest paths, not a tree. The heap contains edges together with
# target's distances and we add all the edges that see the specific
# target with the same distance.
distances = {
self.start_vtxid: (MetricType.Type1, 0)
while len(heap) > 0:
ce = heapq.heappop(heap)
if not in distances or distances[] == (, ce.dist):
result.for_edge[ce.e] = True
distances[] = (, ce.dist)
for oe in topo.vertices[].outgoing_edges:
# Type 2 metrics are external only, so if == 2,
# this point is not reached ( has no outgoing edges)
assert == 1
new_dist = ce.dist + oe.cost if == oe.metric_type else oe.cost
heapq.heappush(heap, CE(new_dist, oe))
result.for_vertex = distances
return result