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% Ref: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/692
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% We may as well create a PDF/A, why not. (I am too lazy to invent my
% own header, instead I just pick line from the thesis' one :-))
\title{Visualising OSPF topology}
\subtitle{Motivation and design of Birdvisu} %FIXME?
\author{Pavel Turinský}
\date{7 September 2023}
%\date{07-09-2023} % Looks weird imho :-/
\iffalse % Maybe drop, in that case, comment the next line.
\item Introduction
\item What is Birdvisu
\item Reasons for creating Birdvisu
\item Goals
% intro:
%% what
%% why (comparison)
%% goals
\item Technologies
\item OSPF overview
\item Interaction with BIRD
% tech stack
%% OSPF summary + history
%% BIRD: why and how
%%% the dump format
%%% note gennet
\item Design
\item Retrieving topologies
\item Annotation
\item Drawing
% design
%% the three phases
\item Results
\item Small networks
\item Large: czela.net
% results
%% czela,net
%%% known deficiencies
\item Future
% future?
%% exports, integration
%% saving layouts
% gennet?
%TODO: slide about Birdvisu is, very highlevel
\frametitle{Project goals}
The Birdvisu project aims to present the network topology, as known
by OSPF, to the administrator and allow them to analyse it.
\item As independent on other services as possible
\item Easy deployment
\item Runnable on admin's laptop
\item No changes to other hosts required
\item It should be easy to create new analysis tools
\item Target: administrators of homelabs to middle-sized systems
To our knowledge, there is no such application yet.
Birdvisu is implemented in Python 3 and Qt 6.
% \begin{frame}
% %\frametitle{Why visualise/analyse topologies}
% \frametitle{Motivation and goals}
% Existing analysis/monitoring tools:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Need to collect data on individual hosts,
% \item do may not have accurate data (network splits)
% \item or need to be deployed on a server
% \end{itemize}
% \dots yet in systems routed by OSPF each router knows all of this.
% \vfill
% The aim of Birdvisu is to present this information to
% administrators.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item single-host, easy-to-run, few dependencies on services
% \item Target: administrators of homelabs to middle-sized systems
% \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
% TODO: wanted features?
%%% design
\frametitle{Birdvisu design}
% uwu uwu FIXME TODO
The program consists of three main steps:
\item Obtaining the topologies
% shenanigans?
% non-matchability of uwu uwu.
\item Reference (from file), current state
\item Representation: weighted directed multigraph
% \item Reference and current one merged into a single object
% \item Extracted from BIRD or loaded from saved files
% \item Networks can have various forms: orieiwnted weighted multigraph
\item Annotating
\item Extending the topology with analysis results, other data, \dots
% \item Many single-purpose annotators
% \item e.g. compute topology differences, find shortest paths
\item Displaying the result
% own try of layouting alg
% each highlight has its StyleAnnotator
\item Reduction of the topology to a simple graph
\item Highlight relevant annotator results
\item Alternatively export the annotated topology (in future)
% \item Use Qt's features: dragging, interaction
% \item Layout loaded from file or determined by ad-hoc
% algorithm
% \item Reuses Annotator design
\item Link-state IGP: routers share information about the current state of the system
\item Long evolution (1989), multiple extensions, rather complex
\item Different versions for IPv4 and IPv6 routing
\item Same idea, quite different internals
Instead of implementing OSPF ourselves, we extract the state from existing routing daemon.
\frametitle{BIRD Internet Routing Daemon}
\item Originally SW project at this faculty, now maintained by CZ.NIC
\item Experience from deployment at home, Dept{.} of Applied Mathematics
\item One of two maintained OSPF daemons for general-purpose HW %FIXME: check BrE
\item future extensions more likely to be implemented
\item Currently no machine-readable export
\item The output for humans contains sufficient information
\item No dynamic output -- needs polling
% logo? snippet of output?
\item Can add arbitrary$^*$ data to vertices and edges
\item Exportable in future
\item Can depend on each other
\item Idea: many simple and single-purpose annotators
\item Uses: analysis, providing additional information, \dots
\item e.g. comparing topologies, finding shortest path DAGs
\item Reuse Annotators for styling vertices and edges
\item Reduce topology to a simple graph by taking the most relevant edge
\item lightest edge with positive cost
\item Layout can be loaded from a file
\item New vertices placed to proximity of neighbours
\item Qt provides UI features: dragging, context menus
% Results and examples
\frametitle{Small network example: Gennet}
Highlighting differences from expectation on a test network (Gennet)
\frametitle{Medium-sized network: Czela.net}
Community network system in Čelákovice, 45 routers, 210 networks (incl. external), about 1600 people
Our layouting approach is not great without any initial placements.
\frametitle{Fixing Czela.net}
Misconfiguration, found after some dragging of vertices
Thank you!