\input{header} % Title page and various mandatory informational pages \begin{document} \include{title} %%% A page with automatically generated table of contents of the bachelor thesis \tableofcontents %%% Each chapter is kept in a separate file \include{intro} \include{chap01} \include{chap02} \include{chap03} \include{chap04} \include{chap05} \include{epilog} %%% Bibliography \include{bibliography} \include{glossary} \chapwithtoc{List of Abbreviations}\label{ch:abbrs} \bgroup \parindent=0pt \begin{small} ABR -- Area border router API -- Application programming interface AS -- Autonomous system BIRD -- BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- BIRD Internet Routing Daemon Inter\dots CIDR -- Classless inter-domain routing DAG -- Directed acyclic graph DR -- Designated router GUI -- Graphical user interface IP -- Internet protocol ISP -- Internet service provider LSA -- Link state advertisement OSPF -- Open shortest path first PTP -- Point-to-point PyPI -- Python package index RFC -- Request for comments SMTP -- Simple mail transfer protocol UI -- User interface UNIX is not an abbreviation, but rather a trademark of The Open Group. \end{small} \egroup \appendix \chapter{Attachments} All attachments to this thesis are only in the electronic version. Readers of the paper version can find them on the internet \section{Birdvisu}\label{att:birdvisu} The Birdvisu project is located in the \verb|birdvisu| directory of the attached ZIP file. Attached as of commit \verb|4abc3cc8|. Available online at \url{https://gitea.ledoian.cz/LEdoian/birdvisu}. \section{Gennet}\label{att:gennet} The Gennet project is located in the \verb|gennet| directory of the attached ZIP file. Attached as of commit \verb|4d604955|. Available online at \url{https://gitea.ledoian.cz/LEdoian/gennet}. \openright \end{document}