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2 years ago
2 years ago
%\def\XXX#1{\par\smallskip\noindent \textcolor{red}{[#1]}}
%%% Basic information on the thesis
% Thesis title in English (exactly as in the formal assignment)
\def\ThesisTitle{Visualizing OSPF topology}
% Author of the thesis
\def\ThesisAuthor{Pavel Turinský}
% Year when the thesis is submitted
% Name of the department or institute, where the work was officially assigned
% (according to the Organizational Structure of MFF UK in English,
% or a full name of a department outside MFF)
\def\Department{Department of Applied Mathematics}
% Is it a department (katedra), or an institute (ústav)?
% Thesis supervisor: name, surname and titles
\def\Supervisor{Mgr. Martin Mareš, Ph.D.}
% Supervisor's department (again according to Organizational structure of MFF)
\def\SupervisorsDepartment{Department of Applied Mathematics}
% Study programme and specialization
\def\StudyProgramme{Computer Science}
\def\StudyBranch{General Computer Science}
% An optional dedication: you can thank whomever you wish (your supervisor,
% consultant, a person who lent the software, etc.)
2 years ago
First, I would like to thank my supervisor Martin Mareš, for being hopeful and patient and for teaching me many useful skills.
2 years ago
For similar reasons, I am grateful for all the presentation and explanation skills the M\&M correspondence seminar has taught me.
This thesis would not also be done without my friends, colleagues and family for nudging and convincing me enough to finish my studies.
Last, but not least, I want to thank You, my dear reader, because right now You are making sure this thesis was worth writing.
Network administrators need to be aware of the state of their network. While
link-state routing protocols like OSPF have the required information, there was
no easy way to present it to the administrator. To solve this problem, we
developed Birdvisu, a program to visualise the topology as seen by the BIRD
Internet Routing Daemon. Our approach allows the topology to be easily
annotated with other data, providing an extensible way of analysing the
topology. While not fully featured yet, Birdvisu helped discover several
misconfigurations in a community-run network connecting about 1600 people.
% 3 to 5 keywords (recommended), each enclosed in curly braces
{OSPF}, {network visualisation}, {routing}, {BIRD}
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