base base-devel linux linux-lts mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-archiso openssh pv # Boot utils syslinux grub refind edk2-shell memtest86+ memtest86+-efi # General bootability linux-firmware amd-ucode intel-ucode # VM tools are not used much, but I use QEMU, so keep that… qemu-guest-agent # block-device utilities lvm2 cryptsetup dmraid testdisk gptfdisk # File system utilities e2fsprogs ext4magic ext3grep btrfs-progs ntfs-3g dosfstools exfat-utils exfatprogs fatresize squashfs-tools squashfuse xfsprogs cdrtools acl attr quota-tools # EFI help efibootmgr efivar # General userspace acpi audacity bash bash-completion blender dash d-feet fbida feh ffmpeg gdb ghostscript gimp git gvim htop iftop imagemagick inkscape iotop ipe ipython jq lsof ltrace man-db man-pages mc moreutils mpc mpd mpv mupdf ncdu ncmpc pacman-contrib procps-ng python qgit qpdf qt6-tools ranger rsync strace tldr tmux tree yt-dlp zathura zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-ps zathura-cb zathura-djvu # GUI: use sway sway swaybg swaylock foot foot-terminfo # … and weston weston # … with X11 xorg-xwayland # And also Xorg + i3 i3-wm i3lock i3status xorg-server dmenu rxvt-unicode dunst mesa-utils mesa mesa-demos wev xorg-xev xorg-xeyes xorg-xinit xorg-xinput libinput waycheck libxkbcommon # Network connectivity iwd wpa_supplicant dhclient dhcpcd ndisc6 iproute2 sshfs nftables modemmanager # Network debugging wireshark-qt wireshark-cli traceroute mtr nmap iputils whois bind ldns tcpdump dhcp wireguard-tools curl wget atftpd tftp-hpa ethtool iw iperf iperf3 speedtest-cli # Bluetooth &co bluez bluez-libs bluez-utils playerctl mpv-mpris blueman # sound system wireplumber pipewire pipewire-audio pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-v4l2 qpwgraph # VNC x11vnc tigervnc # web elinks w3m qutebrowser luakit # system utilities fwupd pciutils usbutils hwloc dmidecode i2c-tools ddcutil # Windows utilities chntpw ophcrack rdesktop # archives zstd gzip bzip2 xz pigz pixz p7zip cabextract unrar unzip unarj # Other distro tools rpm-tools rpmextract dpkg debootstrap apt # fun lolcat nyancat wesnoth teeworlds asciiquarium cmatrix xscreensaver # other rfc picocom binwalk guvcview # other arch tools also maybe (avr, aarch64)? # Specify variable dependencies ttf-dejavu