LEdoian's debuging Arch live medium =================================== Use at own risk. There is probably nothing clever, I just followed [ArchWiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Archiso)… Building notes -------------- I am not too fond of running `mkarchiso` as root on my machine, so I spin up a VM: ``` qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 4G -machine q35 -cdrom archlinux-2024.01.01-x86_64.iso -drive if=virtio,format=raw,file=vm.img,cache.no-flush=yes,media=disk ``` The `vm.img` is a 20 GB space to clone this repository into, somewhere. To build, we need to install archiso (and probably also git) to the VM. A pitfall is that `mkarchiso` still downloads packages to `/var/cache/pacman/pkg`, which means that the VM's rootfs gets full too early. The solution is either to get enough RAM to fit the whole cache (the current package set is ~2.5 GB), but symlinking `/var/cache/pacman` to a directory in the 20 GB space. Pacman does not seem to complain, and if the used parts of the auxiliary storage fit in RAM, it should be similarly fast (the `cache.no-flush=yes` option does not flush the host's block cache, or something, I might not understand this correctly but I think it goes brrrrr). After about 1.5 h we get the result: 6 GB worth of images – 3 GB for the iso, 3 for netboot files (which seem to mainly duplicate the iso contents, but I understand why they were exported separately). In hindsight: I could also tweak the `pacman.conf`, but I came up with the symlink earlier…) Giving the VM more CPUs would speed up the squashfs creation, but I didn't. (I wanted the numbers above to have at least some semantics…) The 20 GB space is _not_ enough for non-interactive run, I had to clean pacman's package cache in order to not run out of space. So 25 GB might be enough (for anybody)… License ------- If you (or a lawyer) thinks a random subset of Arch's packages really counts as copyrightable work, let me put it under CC0-1.0. This README is under CC-BY-4.0, but I can negotiate exceptions. The rest might be a part of the [archiso project](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archiso), `pacman` tells me that it is licenced under GPL-3.0-or-later. Overall, this repository is likewise under GPL-3.0-or-later.