#!/bin/python3 """A simple script to just print lyrics. Mainly for inspiration for the Scheme code.""" items = ['bog', 'hole', 'seed', 'tree', 'branch', ...] last = 'a bog down in the valley, oh.' intro = 'And in that {x} there was a {y}, a rare {y} a rattling {y}' # FIXME: in vs on chorus = 'Oh row a rattling bog a bog down in the valley oh.\n'*2 ### init print(chorus) for l in range(1,len(items)): print(intro.format(x=items[l-1], y=items[l])) for i in range(l, 0, -1): print('{x} in the {y}'.format(x=items[i], y=items[i-1])) print(last) print(chorus)