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# Here are several notes on how I managed to get working.
# OS: Linux Mint 20.3 Mate x86_64
# Downloaded Android Studio, Added Mono, installed a lot of random packages, Android SDKs, etc.
# Xamarin.Android taken from the pipeline artifact
# Did some weird hacks with environment (TODO)
# Did awful things to the dotnet instalation:
# SO:
for x in /usr/lib/*; do ln -s $x /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/6.0.200/`basename $x`; done
for x in /usr/lib/*; do ln -s $x /usr/share/dotnet/packs/`basename $x`; done
# Found some commands to be semi-working
dotnet build -p:TargetFrameworkRootPath=/usr/lib/
nuget restore # In solution directory
msbuild /t:Build,Install # In project directory
# Launch yourself...
git clean -fxd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fxd